Join an Avie’s ski and snowboard tuning pro for a Do-It-Yourself session on how to keep your ski and ride gear in tip-top condition. Why? If you DIY you will always:
- Have sharp edges to conquer New England’s crusty, icy surfaces
- Have a waxed base so you slide along easily on the snow
- Be able to match wax to snow conditions for the best/fastest possible glide
- Beat those “sticky spots” during spring conditions
- Have gear ready to go and ready to provide the best performance
Tuning gear and supplies make great holiday gifts and can be incredible stocking stuffers. Better still, attend the Tuning Clinic and get 20% of any tuning equipment and supplies that you purchase following the clinic.
It’s fun. It’s easy. Join in on December 20th at 2:00 PM at Avie’s Ski / Sports. The clinic will be 30 to 45 minutes in length and will cover all the basics. Staff will be on hand after the clinic for Q&A and to assist you in selecting equipment.
Please RSVP to tuningshop@aviesskisport.com to be sure we secure enough space in the shop to accommodate all.